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on the dedicated site

via BibleArt

In the age of digital humanities, the research program “The Bible in its Traditions” studies the biblical books as the Word of God manifested in the words of men. Directed by the École biblique et archéologique of Jerusalem, it is dedicated to all seekers of truth.


Work sessions with two North American collaborators

Work sessions with two North American collaborators

Nashville and the Apocalypse Sr Mary Dominic Pitt O.P. et fr. O.-Th. Venardworkign at St Cecilia Motherhouse, à Nashville The Psalter at Sainte-Marie des Deux Montagnes Sr Marie-Madeleine Saint-Aubin o.s.b. and fr. Olivier-Thomas Venard o.p., grand parloir de l'Abbaye...


Couverture du livre Conversations sur Paul 2023
O.-Th. Venard et Gregory Tatum (dir.)

UPCOMING : Conversations on Paul

"Supportez-vous les uns les autres!"
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Seventeen scholars from different countries, disciplines and generations discuss the major questions that guide the study of the corpus of Paul today. Whether it is about the truth of the attribution of the letters to Paul of Tarsus, their delimitations, their dating or their recourse to rhetoric; whether it is about the relationship of his teaching with the Judaism of his time; about the circles to which he addressed himself, in particular his opponents; or about the centuries-old prejudices that Augustinian and then Reformed readings would have introduced into our understanding, everything is open to discussion!

They do not avoid the frontal oppositions which stir up the specialists, but listen to each other giving the best possible arguments in favor of each opinion. 

Dictionnaire Jésus

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Ce Dictionnaire réalisé sous la direction de frère Renaud Silly est un fruit direct des annotations et des notes de synthèse de La BIble en ses Traditions, en particulier de notre monumentale Passion selon saint Matthieu : il reprend, édite et enrichit les contributions d’une . vingtaine d’auteurs français, belges, israéliens et américains de notre programme de recherches

Notre dictionnaire porter sur Jésus un regard renouvelé, en partant du pays qui fut le sien, en le resituant sur sa terre originelle et au milieu de son peuple. au plus près de ses sources, autrement dit. Tout en Jésus est juif, rappellent-ils. La judaïté du Christ court ainsi depuis ses origines jusqu’à la réception de son Évangile et à la fondation du christianisme.

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