With our friends

30 November 2019

Dome et sépulcre

AID FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY at the French Research Centre in Jerusalem (cnrs)

The CRFJ is launching its call for applications for international mobility grants (AMI) in 2020-2021.

Application HERE

*Comparison of versions – The Twelve Prophets in the LXX. Protocols and procedures in Greek translation: stylistics, poetics and history

Cécile Dogniez and Philippe Le Moigne, The Twelve Prophets in the LXX. Protocols and procedures in Greek translation: stylistics, poetics and history (Vetus Testamentum Supplements 180), 2019

The Greek translation of the Twelve Prophets is interesting in more ways than one. The literary nature of these texts justifies a re-examination of the stylistic and poetic protocols and procedures used by the translator in the transfer from Hebrew to Greek. Recent advances in textual history justify a re-examination of certain variants in the Greek text, whether they result from a different Vorlage from the Massoretic text or from textual procedures devised to deal with a rare Hebrew word or an exegetical difficulty…


*Community life – How Christians became Catholics in the 1st to 5th centuries

From www.orient-mediterranee.com

We sometimes imagine that the Church, from its origins, has been one, Catholic (universal), apostolic (organised by the apostles of Jesus) and Roman (under the authority of the Bishop of Rome), that the Eastern Churches have remained independent for intellectual or historical reasons… Would swarming, dissidence and persecution have done nothing to change the fate of the Christian communities during the first four or five centuries of their existence?


*Christian Tradition – Women in the Middle Ages, 12-13 December 2019 INSTITUT D’ÉTUDES MÉDIÉVALES

Institut Catholique de Paris, AMPHI PAUL RICŒUR



Our scroll presents the best results of our research in an innovative interface.
In this Beta version, It offers new translations of the main versions of the Scriptures, accompanied by rich multimedia content.

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This internet platform is a comprehensive tool for researching, studying and reading the Bible.

Access to the collaborative platform


Bibleart mobile application will offer a new French translation of the entire Bible enriched with thousands of multimedia contents, resulting from the work of our specialists.

Go to BibleArt

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10 May 2023

Sébastien Charles Amar Hamideche, Aka Jariku You can see my new work here: Peintures:https://www.jariku.fr/peinture-graffiti/galerieSculptures: https://www.jariku.fr/sculpture-design-1/a-galerieDessin: https://www.jariku.fr/dessinPerformance: https://www.jariku.fr/rituel-performance/galerieVidéo: https://www.jariku.fr/channelPhoto: https://www.jariku.fr/photographie/galerie Franck Mas WHAT ARE WATER LETTERS ? The water letters are part of the breath cycle in my research entitled “the degree zero of theatre”. It consists of harvesting the breath of exhalation, in the form of water vapour, while my […]


31 December 2020

… of sponsors For a month, the former Master of the Order of Preachers, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, stayed in Jerusalem for a month. It was he who first encouraged the École Biblique to embark on the adventure of The Bible in its Traditions. Master Timothy and Artur Lesage in pre-pandial conversation! We were delighted to […]
We Are Very Excited!

We Are Very Excited!

12 January 2023

Yes, excited! Excitement is what we send you from Jerusalem for the year of grace 2023, Dear colleagues, collaborators and friends. The construction of our biblical studies cathedral continues to progress, and the month of greetings is an excellent opportunity to give you an update on the first semester. In Jerusalem, at the heart of […]