Editorial comittee
met every week to continue the meticulous revision of the Passion according to Saint Matthew, our next work to be published by Peeters.
On 27 April 2O18, fr. Jean Jacques Pérennès, Director of the Ecole Biblique, chaired the General Assembly of La Bible en ses Traditions AISBL. We took advantage of a visit from the Master of the Order of Preachers and his brother Socius for Studies, a member of the association by right: welcome to Brother Pablo Sicouly and thank him for his wisdom!
Dr. Estelle Ingrand-Varenne
vice-director of the CESCM in Poitiers, came on mission to the École Biblique for a week in mid-March, to study the conditions for collaboration with La Bible en ses traditions on the Corpus Inscriptionum Bilicarum Medii Aevi, a precious treasure from her Centre, which will considerably enrich our Bible by reflecting its concrete setting over the centuries. Conversely, the biblical context offered to the work of epigraphists will enable them to renew their interpretations…
Une convention de collaboration est en cours de signature.
Prof. Jean-Marie Auwers and Jean-Emmanuel de Ena (Cantique des Cantiques), Marc Girard (Psaumes), et Jordi Cervera I Valls (Exode)
during their research and teaching periods at the Ecole Biblique, were received by the restricted Editorial Committee to take stock of their respective work and to consider the next steps for the printed edition of their work.
Paul and Luc PEETERS
visited us in mid-May to take stock of the launch of our collection and to look ahead to the next volume, La Passion selon Saint Matthieu, to be published for the major scholarly conferences in the summer of 2019.