The Jerusalem office is full of life !

8 November 2021

Łukasz Popko, Olivier Catel, O.-Th. Venard, Augustin Tavardon, Marc Leroy, Jorge Vargas

Resumption of editorial board mettings

Following a remarkable seminar for the teachers-researchers of the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem, effectively led by our director, Fr. Jean Jacques Pérennès, our short and medium term objectives have been clarified, which allows us to work with peace and efficiency, especially every Friday morning for almost two hours.

Paul Rodrigue (l.), Sr Marie-Reine Fournier, Noémie Kirion (r.),

Research assistants introduce themselves

After the great calm caused by the first acts of the current pandemic, while Bieke Mahieu, our General Assistant, continues her work from Belgium, research assistants have been able to return, thanks to the efficiency of Sister Martine Dorléans and Br. Marc Leroy, General Secretary and Secretary of Studies of the École Biblique.

Sr Marie-Reine Fournier
She was featured here two years ago as one of the editors and lead illustrator of our Jesus Dictionary. She is back for at least a year, and we will present in a future newsletter the extraordinary biblical cartography she is creating for The Bible in its Traditions…

Paul Rodrigue

” I was born in 1996 in Paris, where I passed my baccalauréat. At the age of eighteen, attracted by the idea of learning Latin and Greek, I headed for Ireland. After a Bachelor’s degree at Trinity College Dublin, four years of training in the arts of classical translation, I went on to do a Master’s degree in Semitic Philology at Cambridge University in England. Using my basic Biblical Hebrew, which I was consolidating, I took the opportunity to delve into Imperial Aramaic and write a dissertation on the translation of the Book of Proverbs in the Septuagint.
Now, as a doctoral student in comparative philology at the University of Cambridge, I am working in particular on Jerome’s sources in his translations of the royal court narratives: Daniel, Esther, Tobit and Judith. This doctoral research was motivated, if not by a whim, then by the quest to find a junction between Latin, Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew.”

We are delighted that the partnership with the École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm (Paris) remains active and fruitful, thanks to the support of the DRI of this institution and of the colleagues who ensure its follow-up. Two women from the École Normale Supérieure are with us this year.

Noémie Kirion

I have been a student at the École Normale de Paris for three years, in the Department of Ancient Sciences. I study ancient letters: Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Interested mainly in the Greek of the Septuagint, I wrote two linguistic dissertations on the Sirach, before taking a year off to participate in the project La Bible en ses Traditions. I contribute by rereading and annotating the French translation of Sirach and Habakkuk, from the Vulgate and occasionally from the Septuagint.

Anne-Laure de Villeneuve

Anne-Laure at her desk (in the back, fr. Jorge Vargas with Sr Marie Reine)

” In my third year at the E.N.S. in Paris, I have just finished my master’s degree in Ancient History after having done a preparatory course in literature. I worked on subjects of Roman literature and history, such as the representation of youth in the Aeneid or the Roman geographical and military intelligence. Having also studied the Latin language for twelve years and taught it at the Centre Sèvres, I am armed to participate in the translation of the Vulgate in the Bible in its Traditions at the Ecole française de Jérusalem: it is the books of the Maccabees that I am currently rereading.”


Our scroll presents the best results of our research in an innovative interface.
In this Beta version, It offers new translations of the main versions of the Scriptures, accompanied by rich multimedia content.

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This internet platform is a comprehensive tool for researching, studying and reading the Bible.

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Bibleart mobile application will offer a new French translation of the entire Bible enriched with thousands of multimedia contents, resulting from the work of our specialists.

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