The Jerusalem office in the second half of 2018-2019

23 April 2019


The work goes on happily in our office, where Dr. Bieke Mahieu, with the kindness and dedication that we all know, follows the young researchers who are holders of our Aides à la Mobilité Internationale.

Blandine Delannoy (ENS Ulm) has made a major contribution to the illustration of the New Testament in the Visual Arts and is carrying out numerous editorial tasks to improve the content presented on our Digital Scroll, the next edition of which should be online at the beginning of May. As a philosopher, she also continues to enrich our Theology notes, patiently following the uses of Scripture made by St Thomas Aquinas in his Summa of Theology.

Under the responsibility of fr. Renaud Silly O.P. – who has just received his doctorate from the University of Fribourg: congratulations to him! – two assistants have come to work on a very fine editorial project on Jesus.

Sr Marie-Reine

Sr Marie-Reine Fournier O.P. verifies, orders, compiles and composes numerous notes related to the childhood stories, the stories of Jesus’ ministry and the history of their reception. This is an opportunity to enrich our database considerably.


Florence Louvet (a student at ISTA and Domuni Universitas) has taken our extensive annotations on the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus and made them directly accessible to the general public.


David Vincent (E.P.H.E. doctoral student), already well known to our readers, has taken on a number of editorial tasks linked to the publication of the next volume in our collection by Peeters, unifying our translations of the various versions of the Gospels, correcting our “Reformed” annotation in the St Matthew Passion, and enriching our database with notes directly linked to his research subject (dispensationalism). In addition to his editorial and scientific activities at the office, he has taken part in three colloquia

“Biblical exegesis and political engagement: the case of Christian Zionism”, paper delivered at the international colloquium “Religion, Diplomacy and Peace”, Pontifical College of the Teutonic Order, Vatican City, 12-14 June 2018.
“Les mutations du sionisme chrétien depuis les années 1970”, paper given at the international colloquium “Les acteurs religieux dans l’espace international”, Science Po & École Militaire, Paris, 3-4 December 2018.
“Religious Jews and military service in Israel”, paper given at the international colloquium “Contester au nom de la religion dans des sociétés “sécularisées”. Between doctrine and militancy, Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Centro di Studi di Civiltà e Spiritualità Comparate, Venice, 4-5 April 2019.

Acknowledged as a winner of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale) research support programme: mabrouk et mazel tov!


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