Summer 2018 sessions

11 November 2018

Les participants, autour de Eugen Pentiuc et O.-Th. Venard

Summer School with Boston College

This was a first for the École Biblique. Last June, we welcomed around fifteen students from Boston College, Boston University and Boston Hellenic College, for a three-week “Summer school”.
While Łukasz Popko led archaeological visits throughout the country, prof. Eugen Pentiuc taught on the Old Testament, the New Testament lessons, focusing on the importance of the Temple in Jesus’ culture, were all prepared and delivered by Olivier-Thomas Venard on the basis of our work in The Bible in its Traditions (cf. John 2:13-23 and Mark 1:1-11-but you’ll have to subscribe to see the notes!). It was an opportunity to introduce our American friends to our method and our tools.

Plus — in grec ! —  here

None of this would have been possible without the organisational skills of our dear friend and former student of the School, Prof. Dr. Mgr. Eugen Pentiuc, with whom the School and La Bible en ses Traditions still have more than one project up their sleeves!

First station of the Association Nostra Aetate 4

Heir to the oldest Catholic association under Israeli law, deeply rooted in Jerusalem, this institution in full renewal aims to promote dialogue and study between Christians and Jews. Two of its board members, Gad Barnéa and Sr Agnès de la Croix, are very active contributors to La Bible en ses Traditions.Marie-Christine and Antoine Blanc, very happy with the session

We were all the more delighted to contribute to the first summer session, “Discovering the Jewish Christ”, as two of the participants, Marie-Christine and Antoine Blanc, had travelled from Florida to Jerusalem to take part, after reading the invitation in our PRIXM newsletter.


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