Christiane Veyrard-Cosme, professor at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, came to complete the edition of the international colloquium co-organised with BEST and several grandes écoles in 2016, MEODE 1 (“Mises en œuvres des Écritures – 1”), to be published by the Institut d’Études Augustiniennes. On the strength of its support, BEST is working to establish relations with the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
The first of three or four volumes of an important Matthew Passion, corresponding to chapter 26, was delivered to the publisher at the end of the summer. Dr. Bieke Mahieu is currently working on the scientific edition of chapter 27, while fr. Olivier-Thomas and two assistants are completing the annotation of chapter 28.
Joseph Ahmad, our American assistant, is currently preparing the printed edition of Jonah. You can already consult the English digital version on the Bible In Its Traditions website (top right, choose “English” then navigate to “Jonah” in the biblical texts).
A Jewish Mirror of the Gospels, by Sr Agnès (Nathalie Bruyère), our collaborator for the Jewish annotation of the New Testament, with the generosity of the Russell Berrie Foundation, will inaugurate a new collection, Essais de la Bible en ses Traditions, in the spring.
Also on the programme: with fr. Lukasz Popko o.p., the editorial committee will be studying the epistle of James prepared (in English) by prof. Martin Albl, and will take advantage of prof. Michel Gourgues to return to the pastoral epistles.