Our staff coworkers paint and write

6 April 2021

François-Xavier de Boissoudy : Naître IV, 2021, lavis d’encre, 125 x 110cm

François-Xavier de Boissoudy, « May you kingdom come »

François-Xavier de Boissoudy, painter, whose work already enriches our online bible, presents his latest compositions at the Galerie Guillaume, rue de Penthièvre in Paris

Exhibition from 8 April to 29 May 2021
Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 7pm
Galerie Guillaume
32, rue de Penthièvre
75008 Paris
+33 (0)1 44 71 07 72

Two academics sent in their contributions while we were working on the Passion, and both have recently published works, one very provocative, the other very scholarly, which may enrich the spirit of The Bible in its Traditions.

Maxime Decout, In Praise of the Bad Reader

The news will be a relief to many who still read (the Bible?) in shame or guilt !
Every reader has at some time worried about this when faced with a text: how to read well ? It is astonishing that no one wonders how to read badly. Yet it is far from obvious. It takes art, skill and cunning to practice truly inspired misreading. Once you accept this, you will stop making reading solely an experience of objective interpretation, of working with the text, of order, of patience, of concentration. Let your passions take over, let your attention wander, read sideways, skip pages. This is how you will transform what you read and reinvent it. Then you will agree: bad reading is often a great way to read!

Régis Burnet, Exegesis and reception history

A book started during his stay in Jerusalm, two years ago….


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