Our Office in Jerusalem, Second Semester 2021-2022

19 June 2022

Scholars in residence

Henri Vallançon (SSD, Ébaf-Fribourg) has made great progress in the meticulous revision of the translations of M-Isaiah and V-Isaiah. He has begun making a fascinating series of annotations, describing with as much precision as possible the enunciative games that run through and differentiate the versions of the “Fifth Gospel”.

Henri Vallançon les étoiles dans les yeux en émergeant de sa plongée en profondeur dans le corps du texte Isaïen !

Noémie Kirion and Anne-Laure de Villeneuve have completed their revisions of the books of Sirach and Ezekiel. Their diligent participation in the two and a half hour weekly seminar on translating the Bible into its Traditions throughout the year has been extremely fruitful.

Sr Agnès de la Croix (Nathalie Bruyère) continued and completed the integration of Sandrine Canéri’s research on the episode of Rebecca at the well in Genesis.

Les membres du bureau 2e semestre 2021-22
O.-Th. Venard, Noémie Kirion, Anne-Laure de Villeneuve, Henri Vallançon, Sr Marie Reine Fournier, sharing a Fish&Chips in Mahane Yehuda, Jerusalem, to celebrate the end of the academic year.

The ‘Amis de l’École’ Pay a Visit

Exposé dans nos locaux de Jérusalem, le 27 mai.

On May 26 and 27, the Friends of Abu Gosh and the Friends of the EBAF met for a memorial trip in honor of Jean Guéguinou, Consul General of France in Jerusalem (1982-1986), and President of the Association of Friends of the École Biblique in France since 2010. The participants in this tribute visited our office, and we were honored to present them with our latest report.

A Philosopher Among Biblicists

Alexandre Jollien
Alexandre Jollien et trois frères du comité éditorial

A long-time friend of our Executive Director, the philosopher and now actor Alexandre Jollien spent a few days with us in Jerusalem. Through many wise and humorous exchanges, we envisioned a possible collaboration, in the annotation section, titled something like *Philosophy*, similar to those of our artist friends in the sections *Visual Arts*, *Dance* and *Music*.

The Editorial Committee…

… has been meeting happily and studiously every Friday morning for nearly two hours, for the follow-up of the scientific work as well as the digital developments (in particular the making of the very Portal where this post is written), or the editorial tasks in the program.

By the end of April, in order to strengthen the body of our immediate advisors in the English-speaking and Orthodox world, we integrated our colleague and friend Prof. Eugen Pentiuc to the editorial board, as a non-resident member. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity, his next book with Oxford University Press, to be released on the 9th of August, contains a presentation of our research program …

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