Our Dictionary of Jesus is out !

6 April 2021

Couverture de notre Dictionnaire Jésus

More than four years ago, noting how much our annotation had progressed, especially on the four Gospels, and how rich the database that is La Bible en ses Traditions had become, Fr. Renaud Silly proposed to direct, for our programme, a “Dictionnaire Jésus” in the famous collection “Bouquins” in which he had already participated.
After several years of hard work, between Jerusalem, Paris and Toulouse, the dictionary can already be ordered here.

Our friends at Figaro Magazine, seduced by the combination of erudition and style with which the hundreds of entries in this widely distributed book combine historical data and the history of reception, have pre-published a few extracts in the Easter weekend issue, accompanied by an article full of encouragement for our School:


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In this Beta version, It offers new translations of the main versions of the Scriptures, accompanied by rich multimedia content.

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Bibleart mobile application will offer a new French translation of the entire Bible enriched with thousands of multimedia contents, resulting from the work of our specialists.

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