Fr. Olivier Catel, Already a PhD. in Literature, On Writing His PhD in Talmud at Hebrew University, Jerusalem
12 January 2023
What is your current research? O.C: I’m currently a doctoral student in Talmud at the Hebrew University and I am working on fasting in Christian and rabbinic literature of the 3rd century, trying to better define the internal dynamics of each tradition regarding public and private fasts. It is also an opportunity to study biblical and post-biblical […]
Divine syllables
22 December 2018
To complement the exceptional show on 5 December 2016, we have produced a limited edition of 1,000 DVDs, not for sale, of Syllabes divines, a mystery on the prophecy of Jeremiah including three sublime lyrical works, one in Hebrew by Gad Barnéa, another in Greek by Michel Petrossian and the last in Latin by Thierry […]
Press, radio, newsletter: constant dialogue with the general public
30 November 2019
Several members or alumni of the École Biblique and the BEST (Dominique-Marie Cabaret, Anthony Giambrone, Renaud Silly, Olivier-Thomas Venard, Henri Vallançon, Gudrun Nassauer) and many friends (Anne-Catherine Baudoin, Marie-Françoise Baslez, and also Anne-Marie Pelletier, Guillaume de Tabouärn, Jean-Christian Petitfils) have contributed to a special issue of Le Figaro devoted to Jesus. The presentation of the […]