News | Greetings

6 April 2021

(Petite photo « de famille » à la fin d’une réunion ) Les frères Augustin Tavardon, Marc Leroy, Jorge Vargas, Olivier-Thomas Venard, Olivier Catel, Łukasz Popko, ainsi que Bieke Mahieu vous souhaitent un Temps pascal lumineux !

Dear Colleagues and Friends
hoping that they will join you in joy and peace, here is some Easter news.

On Friday, we were mourned by the news of the sudden recall to God of Mr Paul Peeters, who was more than an editor, a friend.

As for the long wait for Saturday, if the time for deconfinement seems to have come in the Holy Land, it is different in Europe and the United States; and restrictions are still in place… This does not prevent The Bible in its Traditions from developing:

  • The meetings of the editorial committee continue every Friday, virtually but effectively bringing together Judea and Périgord.
  • The enrichment of our Bible for the general public continues. You can join the concretors (attention: only on mobile support), HERE ;
  • Many workers are in the vineyard: among the most active lately, let’s thank especially Marc Girard, Theo Truschel and Wulfran Barthélémy, Laura Tran, Marie-Édith Garin, Philip O’Brien… In this newsletter, four of our collaborators at different levels and in different capacities talk about their current experience, HERE ;
  • Laurence Mellerin delivers the first results of the collaboration with Biblindex and opens up some very good prospects, including technological ones, for converging our efforts: HERE

As for the joy of Sunday, we are living it:

in the final touches of the monumental Passion according to Saint Matthew to be published by Peeters (and by letting you know about the recent works of two of the contributors) ;
in the release of our Dictionary of Jesus, already celebrated by the Figaro Magazine.

With friendly blessings
from Jerusalem and other places,

fr. Olivier-Thomas Venard O.P.
and the whole team of La Bible en ses Traditions

N.B. For the year 2021, we are still offering one or two A.M.I. (Aides à la Mobilité Internationale): one or two semesters at the École Biblique de Jérusalem, to participate in the proofreading and perfecting of our translation of the medieval Vulgate. Requires an excellent level of Latin.


Our scroll presents the best results of our research in an innovative interface.
In this Beta version, It offers new translations of the main versions of the Scriptures, accompanied by rich multimedia content.

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This internet platform is a comprehensive tool for researching, studying and reading the Bible.

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Bibleart mobile application will offer a new French translation of the entire Bible enriched with thousands of multimedia contents, resulting from the work of our specialists.

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