Meanwhile in Missouri and at Quebec…

23 April 2019

Couvent Saint-Dominique, St Louis MO, fin mars

During a working visit on 24-30 March 2019, in St Louis, MO, with fr. Kevin Stephens, the inventor and main developer of our working tool, we talked about a shock of simplification of our database and our interfaces, which had become necessary after more than ten years of developments, sometimes linked to “political” ups and downs with no real technological content.

Fr. Kevin Stephens et l’indispensable « white board » lors d’une de nos sessions de planification

We will gradually :

  • bring together all the translations and annotations in our database, keeping only the language divisions: French, English, Spanish, and gradually unifying them.
  • in the case of the biblical books on which the teams have made considerable progress independently of the contributions of the Jerusalem assistants and the transversal contributors, to introduce the contributions of the latter, such as the Canvas version, so as not to disrupt the work of the teams, while giving them the possibility of benefiting from the progress made in Jerusalem.

This simplification will make it possible⇥to start using our collaborative platform in “live” mode, i.e. to publish scroll content in real time. It will be equipped with a lighter consultation interface, with a view to reaching a wider audience.

L’abbaye Sainte-Marie en avril

A week in Quebec, between 6 and 12 April, gave us the opportunity to express our gratitude to Sr Marie-Madeleine Saint-Aubin O.S.B., from the Abbaye Sainte-Marie-des-Deux-Montagnes, and to her abbess, T. Rvde Mère Isabelle Thouin O.S.B., for the considerable contribution she has made to our Bible. Sr Marie-Madeleine’s expertise in biblical Latin and Greek and her patristic erudition enabled her to chisel out our translations of several books from the Vulgate or the Septuagint, and to enrich the notes in the “Peritestamentary Literature” and “Christian Tradition” registers of our four Gospels.

Sr Marie-Madeleine Saint-Aubin o.s.b.

This Benedictine moment is an opportunity to thank the other two abbeys of this Order (so important in the history of the transmission of the Scriptures) for their involvement in La Bible en ses traditions !


Our scroll presents the best results of our research in an innovative interface.
In this Beta version, It offers new translations of the main versions of the Scriptures, accompanied by rich multimedia content.

Access the scroll


This internet platform is a comprehensive tool for researching, studying and reading the Bible.

Access to the collaborative platform


Bibleart mobile application will offer a new French translation of the entire Bible enriched with thousands of multimedia contents, resulting from the work of our specialists.

Go to BibleArt

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