Biblical epigraphy in the Middle Ages: collaboration with the CESCM to rediscover the Scriptures “in three Ds”.
11 November 2018
This is one of the fine results of the MEODE (“Mises en Oeuvres Des Écritures”) colloquia co-organised with various Paris universities over the last two years, under the leadership of Professor Christiane Veyrard-Cosme: The C.E.S.C.M. (Centre d’études supérieures de la civilisation médiévale, CNRS) in Poitiers has signed a collaboration agreement with the École Biblique within […]
Nouvel élan de notre développement numérique
2 March 2022
On December 17, 2021, for the first time, all our regular developers were physically gathered, thanks to the hospitality of the company Spyrit which develops several of our interfaces, for a meeting prepared by fr. O.-Th. Venard with the advice of Gad Barnea. During several hours of work, it was an opportunity to recapitulate nearly […]
Confronting evil in Babylonia
8 February 2023
NotOur colleague and friend Stéphanie Anthonioz, who collaborated on this very fine edition, tells us of the arrival of the latest work in the famous collection Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient: “Magnificent heritage of our humanity !”