Appel à candidatures : AMI en Histoire de l’art, pour 2025-2026
28 January 2025
Aide à la Mobilité Internationale en histoire de l'art à Jérusalem — scholarship in art history in Jerusalem
Enhancing our multimedia annotation: the Benedictines to the rescue !
11 November 2018
Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux Because of its scope, our programme has often been described as a real “Benedictine work”, and it was already partly so, because two nuns of the Order of Saint Benedict, one from Sainte-Cécile de Solesmes, the other from Sainte-Marie des deux Montagnes, in Quebec, collaborate regularly with us. It has become even […]
A new volume in our Peeters collection
30 November 2019
In December, under the title Commencements, our former “Volume de démonstration”, entirely revised, corrected and enriched last year by our editorial committee in Jerusalem under the constant vigilance of prof. Bieke Mahieu, will take its rightful place in our collection published by Peeters. Please bring this publication, and our collection in general, to the attention […]
The Jerusalem office in summer 2019
31 July 2019
Not since the launch of “The Bible in its Traditions” have our Jerusalem offices been so full and overflowing with activity. This summer, no fewer than 7 young researchers are benefiting from international mobility grants to work on the site of our Bible cathedral. Translation of the Vulgate 0.2 Anaëlle Broseta, a graduate of the […]