Inter-institutional relations

23 April 2019

Prof. Christiane Cosme entourée, de g. à dr. des fr. Łukasz Popko (dir. de notre comité éditorial), O.-Th. Venard (dir. exéc.) et Renaud Silly (dir. du projet « dictionnaire Jésus » ; manque le fr. Jorge Vargas qui participait lui aussi)

Between 11 and 15 March 2019, Professor Christiane Veyrard-Cosme (Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle) gave the first session of “Biblical Latin” at the École Biblique. Attended by 4 members of our editorial committee, among others, it provided an opportunity to explore the richness of this textual tradition, which is now being rediscovered in its entirety, and to do some practical translation work, aimed in particular at respecting, in the French rendering, the figures of meaning that are so abundant in Latin.

Ch. Cosme et E. Ingrand-Varenne

On 31 March 2019, Dr Laurence Mellerin (CNRS “Histoire et sources des mondes antiques” (UMR 5189 – Sources Chrétiennes), responsible for the magnificent publications of BIBLINDEX, the online scriptural index of the Fathers of the Church, and its research notebook, presented La Bible en ses Traditions to the Dominican friars in Lyon. In addition, with several other researchers, she is leading a research seminar on the ancient reception of Ecclesiastes, which will give rise to notes in our platform.

Dr Estelle Ingrand Varenne, former vice-director of CESCM between February and April 2019, on the occasion of her secondment to the CRFJ (CNRS in Jerusalem), strengthening our links with this centre and with her own institution, where work has begun on a corpus of medieval biblical inscriptions, along the lines of the biblical text in

Prof. Antonio Felle Antonio Felle, specialist in Christian (Byzantine) and medieval epigraphy at the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (DISUM), Università di Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro” (Italy), responsible for the corpus of Byzantine biblical inscriptions, after a week’s work at the EBAF (27 Jan-3 Feb 2019) has sent us a draft MOU based on the same model as that which links us to the CESCM.


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