From one year to the next, with grace …

31 December 2020

1174567 Iraq / Italy: Foodstuffs – honey. Illustration from Ibn Butlan’s Taqwim al-sihhah or ‘Maintenance of Health’ (Baghdad, 11th century) published in Italy as the Tacuinum Sanitatis in the 14th century; ( The Tacuinum (sometimes Taccuinum) Sanitatis is a medieval handbook on health and wellbeing, based on the Taqwim al-sihha (‘Maintenance of Health’), an eleventh-century Arab medical treatise by Ibn Butlan of Baghdad.); Pictures from History; it is possible that some works by this artist may be protected by third party rights in some territories.

For The Bible in its Traditions as for everyone else, the past year has been really special: in Jerusalem, if the assistants who arrived before the pandemic were able to stay until the end of May, none of them has been able to join us since then; the Editorial Committee has to conduct its weekly meetings both face-to-face and “virtually”; the Executive Director of the programme has been working in France since March; our presence at various events such as the Congress of the Society of Biblical Literature has been cancelled along with the aforementioned events…

However, nothing could slow down the activity of our biblical hive, which has the advantage of being built on the Internet since its origin. At the end of a year of diverse and varied confinements, where digital collaboration has taken on such importance, our greatest THANK YOU goes to our developers: brother Kevin Stephens (the inventor of our platform, in constant improvement), Gad Barnéa (the architect of our global system and of our blog), to Pierre Hennequart and Pierre-Yves Guerder (the coders of our multimedia platform and of our consultation interfaces)

Thanks to them, dozens of collaborators have been able to continue working in our hive.
As a sign of our gratitude for your interest, participation and support, here are some combs of the honey produced in 2020.

With our wishes for an increasingly ‘deconfined’ 2021,
at the whim of Providence,
and which will allow us to have a wise and joyful reunion!

The whole team of La Bible en ses Traditions,
between Jerusalem, Haifa, Saint-Louis (MO), Paris and the Périgord,
on 31 December 2020.


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