Because of its scope, our programme has often been described as a real “Benedictine work”, and it was already partly so, because two nuns of the Order of Saint Benedict, one from Sainte-Cécile de Solesmes, the other from Sainte-Marie des deux Montagnes, in Quebec, collaborate regularly with us. It has become even more so thanks to the generosity of two other friendly monasteries.
For several months now, the abbeys of Saint-Pierre de Solesmes (Sarthe) and Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux (Provence) have been making available to La Bible en ses Traditions hundreds of Gregorian pieces recorded by their choirs.
With the help of Swiss musicologist Marjorie Pfister, who systematically identifies the biblical texts performed, we have begun to insert them in the “liturgy” section for our readers.
Without waiting for the simplified interface we are working on, you can already benefit from it along our digital scroll (here, click on “Notes”, to display and listen to Gregorian pieces in the “Liturgy” section…. There will be more throughout our Bible).