Echoes of our Jesus Dictionary

8 November 2021

On Monday 18 October, in the programme AFFAIRE EN COURS sur France culture , Marie Sorbier spoke about the question of the “collective work” and the anonymity of the entries in this Dictionary.

The short programme echoed the talk given on Wednesday 14 October at 6.30 p.m. in Rome, where Fr. Renaud Silly O.P., director of the edition of our Jesus Dictionary, was invited by François Xavier Adam, director of the Centre Saint-Louis in Rome, in a duplex with Fr. Olivier-Thomas and the entire Editorial Committee in Jerusalem.
Moderated by Fr. Nicolas Steeves S.J. Nicolas Steeves S.J., professor at the Gregorian University, the conversation presented the method, the spirit and – let us hope! – the purpose of the book…
In the audience, among the brothers and sisters involved in the project, were Mr René Troccaz, Consul General of France, Luc Pareydt S.J., Religious Advisor, and Guillaume Robert, Cultural Advisor.



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