Appel à candidatures : AMI en Histoire de l’art, pour 2025-2026
28 January 2025
Aide à la Mobilité Internationale en histoire de l'art à Jérusalem — scholarship in art history in Jerusalem
The Jerusalem office is full of life !
8 November 2021
Resumption of editorial board mettings Following a remarkable seminar for the teachers-researchers of the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem, effectively led by our director, Fr. Jean Jacques Pérennès, our short and medium term objectives have been clarified, which allows us to work with peace and efficiency, especially every Friday morning for almost two […]
Digital development continues
30 November 2019
Brothers Kevin Stephens (USA), Gad Barnéa (Israel) and Pierre Hennequart (Paris) meet by videoconference each week for a working session with fr. Olivier-Thomas Venard, to develop an application that will offer our new translation of the entire Bible, fully illustrated with images, sound and video, in the spirit of Prixm. In addition, Spyrit (Versailles) is […]
Fruitfulness of the “Bible and philosophy” seminar
31 December 2020
Throughout the 2019-2020 academic year, every Thursday from 4-6pm, the main office of The Bible in its Traditions has been transformed into a classroom, before ‘videoconferencing’ takes over. Several members of the ‘Bible and Philosophy’ seminar gather around the big screen in BEST’s main office. Among the regular or exceptional participants, besides professors Avital Wohlman […]