Contributors and Friends’ New Publications

3 July 2022

Mathieu Beaud, Ces Rois mages venus d’Occident

Mathieu, to whom we owe beautiful notes on the history of art in particular in the Gospels, is today a Resident Scholar in the field of History of art from the fourth to the fifteenth century at the National Institute of History of Art (Paris), Department of Studies and Research. He publishes his doctoral thesis:

Kyle Smith, A Brief History of Christianity

The book of our former student, now Associate Professor and Director, History of Religions Program, at the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Toronto, Cult of the Dead: A Brief History of Christianity, will be published November 8. Bart Ehrman called it “a brilliant, entertaining, and accessible account of the history of martyrdom.” Meanwhile, Kyle Harper characterized it as “a sweeping tour through the history of Christianity that makes the familiar seem fresh and dramatically brings to life the remarkable connections across time and space that constitute the Christian story.” 


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