Appel à candidatures : AMI en Histoire de l’art, pour 2025-2026
28 January 2025
Aide à la Mobilité Internationale en histoire de l'art à Jérusalem — scholarship in art history in Jerusalem
Composers and painters, artists in our Bible
8 November 2021
From the oratorio Syllables divines, created four years ago, to the integration of the painted work of François-Xavier de Boissoudy, two years ago, The Bible in its Traditions seeks to multiply its links with artists who deploy the fruitfulness of the Scriptures, in their traditions, into the culture of our time. « Music above all else […]
With our friends
30 November 2019
AID FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY at the French Research Centre in Jerusalem (cnrs) The CRFJ is launching its call for applications for international mobility grants (AMI) in 2020-2021. Application HERE *Comparison of versions – The Twelve Prophets in the LXX. Protocols and procedures in Greek translation: stylistics, poetics and history Cécile Dogniez and Philippe Le Moigne, […]
Upcoming publications
23 April 2019
The editorial committee, made up of our general assistant Dr Bieke Mahieu, Ffr. O.-Th. Venard, Jorge Vargas, Augustin Tavardon, under the direction of fr. Łukasz Popko and the efficient secretariat of fr. Marc Leroy, continues to work for about an hour and a half every Friday, to proofread, correct and enrich our forthcoming works printed […]