Biblical epigraphy in the Middle Ages: collaboration with the CESCM to rediscover the Scriptures “in three Ds”.

11 November 2018

This is one of the fine results of the MEODE (“Mises en Oeuvres Des Écritures”) colloquia co-organised with various Paris universities over the last two years, under the leadership of Professor Christiane Veyrard-Cosme:
The C.E.S.C.M. (Centre d’études supérieures de la civilisation médiévale, CNRS) in Poitiers has signed a collaboration agreement with the École Biblique within the framework of La Bible en ses Traditions, with the aim of integrating the great riches of the copious Corpus des inscriptions de la France médiévale, and the repertoire of biblical quotations it contains, developed by prof. Robert Favreau.

Its director, Dr Estelle Ingrand Varenne, has entrusted students with the task of integrating all inscriptions containing quotations from the Gospel of John into the annotation of our Bible (last spring and summer), followed by Matthew (in progress). At the same time, we are looking at how the images of these inscriptions fit into our Bible, and what the choice of a particular passage and its inscription on a particular medium or in a particular place can tell us about the interpretation that was made of it. It really is a rediscovery of the Scriptures in three dimensions!

In the course of the winter we shall be welcoming, together with Dr Ingrand-Varenne – who will be on secondment to the Centre de Recherches Français in Jerusalem – Prof. Antonio Felle, from the University of Bari, a specialist in Late Antique epigraphy and particularly the scriptural presence in epigraphic documentation, to further deepen our discussions. Antonio Felle, from the University of Bari, a specialist in Late Antique epigraphy and, more specifically, in the presence of scripture in epigraphic documentation, to further deepen our discussions.


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