Bible and literature: our proto-assistant defends her thesis

6 September 2018

We are delighted to announce that on 26 September Madeleine Achard (Bazin de Jessey) will defend her thesis in French and comparative literature on the posterity of Bathsheba in literature and the arts at the Sorbonne, before a jury composed of :

  • Ralph Dekoninck (Catholic University of Louvain)
  • Emmanuelle Hénin (Lettres Sorbonne Université)
  • Jean-Yves Masson (Lettres Sorbonne Université)
  • Sylvie Parizet (Paris Nanterre University)
  • Hedwige Rouillard-Bonraisin (École Pratique des Hautes Études)
  • and Dominique Millet-Gérard (Lettres Sorbonne Université), director.

The defence will take place on Wednesday 26 September at 2pm in the Salle des actes at the Sorbonne (entrance at 54, rue saint Jacques, 75005 Paris).


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