A new volume in our Peeters collection

30 November 2019

In December, under the title Commencements, our former “Volume de démonstration”, entirely revised, corrected and enriched last year by our editorial committee in Jerusalem under the constant vigilance of prof. Bieke Mahieu, will take its rightful place in our collection published by Peeters.

Please bring this publication, and our collection in general, to the attention of the libraries of your institutions.


Our scroll presents the best results of our research in an innovative interface.
In this Beta version, It offers new translations of the main versions of the Scriptures, accompanied by rich multimedia content.

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This internet platform is a comprehensive tool for researching, studying and reading the Bible.

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Bibleart mobile application will offer a new French translation of the entire Bible enriched with thousands of multimedia contents, resulting from the work of our specialists.

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