
Periodically, we publish here news about our program: new content available, the latest digital developments, the work of our teams, contributors, our publications, proposals from institutions or other research projects related to ours, and meeting opportunities…

Musical annotation in The Bible in its Traditions

Musical annotation in The Bible in its Traditions

31 December 2020

From Gregorian… Thomas Duchesne, (1st prize keyboard and composition, Conservatoire du Luxembourg, AMI BEST) “Under the heading Music, the main musical works inspired by or simply making use of the text are listed period by period. The Bible is one of the most important sources of inspiration in the entire history of music, so the […]
2 proposals to occupy the confined

2 proposals to occupy the confined

31 December 2020

The beta-testing of Bibleart has started The assistants for the editing and illustration of our bible have not been idle, nor have the developers. After the intervention of the Newsoul agency to improve our interface proposal, we have begun the beta-testing of a proposal for the general public on mobile devices: Bibleart. It will present, […]
New presentations of our programme

New presentations of our programme

31 July 2020

Following the presidential visit, several media outlets took an interest in us. Le « Portail catholique suisse » a donné à lire le très riche dossier que Marie-Armelle Beaulieu a supervisé pour Terre Sainte Magazine cet été : La BEST : une bible symphonique – Rédaction — Restituer la polyphonie de la bible – Marie-A. Beaulieu […]
Figures of our work

Figures of our work

27 April 2020

Thanks to Kevin Stephens, O.P. Croissance du chantier de notre cathédrale biblique

“Répliques” with Alain Finkielkraut

30 November 2019

Armand Abécassis, an exegete of Judaism, and Brother Olivier-Thomas Venard, executive director of the research programme La Bible en ses traditions, respond to Alain Finkielkraut.
The first semester in the Jerusalem office

The first semester in the Jerusalem office

30 November 2019

From the rue d’Ulm to the road to Nablus Three young students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure began the year by editing notes listing hundreds of works (literary, pictorial, musical, philosophical, etc.) inspired by biblical texts. This is a meticulous and long-term task, carried out with a view to the publication of an illustrated Bible […]
Press, radio, newsletter: constant dialogue with the general public

Press, radio, newsletter: constant dialogue with the general public

30 November 2019

Several members or alumni of the École Biblique and the BEST (Dominique-Marie Cabaret, Anthony Giambrone, Renaud Silly, Olivier-Thomas Venard, Henri Vallançon, Gudrun Nassauer) and many friends (Anne-Catherine Baudoin, Marie-Françoise Baslez, and also Anne-Marie Pelletier, Guillaume de Tabouärn, Jean-Christian Petitfils) have contributed to a special issue of Le Figaro devoted to Jesus. The presentation of the […]
A new volume in our Peeters collection

A new volume in our Peeters collection

30 November 2019

In December, under the title Commencements, our former “Volume de démonstration”, entirely revised, corrected and enriched last year by our editorial committee in Jerusalem under the constant vigilance of prof. Bieke Mahieu, will take its rightful place in our collection published by Peeters. Please bring this publication, and our collection in general, to the attention […]
With our friends

With our friends

30 November 2019

AID FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY at the French Research Centre in Jerusalem (cnrs) The CRFJ is launching its call for applications for international mobility grants (AMI) in 2020-2021. Application HERE *Comparison of versions – The Twelve Prophets in the LXX. Protocols and procedures in Greek translation: stylistics, poetics and history Cécile Dogniez and Philippe Le Moigne, […]