Collaboration with Biblindex: the patristic reception of the book of Ecclesiastes
6 April 2021
Since 2018, doctoral students and students of the master’s degree in theology and patristic sciences of the Catholic University of Lyon, as well as researchers from the Institut des Sources Chrétiennes and the Faculty of Theology of the UCLy, have been meeting four or five times a year, under the scientific responsibility of Guillaume Bady […]
Our staff coworkers paint and write
6 April 2021
François-Xavier de Boissoudy, « May you kingdom come » François-Xavier de Boissoudy, painter, whose work already enriches our online bible, presents his latest compositions at the Galerie Guillaume, rue de Penthièvre in Paris Catalogue Exhibition from 8 April to 29 May 2021 Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 7pm Galerie Guillaume 32, rue de Penthièvre […]
Tribute to our publisher
5 April 2021
Peeters Publishers has informed us of the sudden death of Paul Peeters, Managing Director of Peeters Publishers, on 22 March, and of his burial on 27 March 2021.We are united in the pain and hope of the whole Peeters family, especially of his brother Luc,and in great gratitudefor Paul’s demanding and constant support over the […]
From one year to the next, with grace …
31 December 2020
For The Bible in its Traditions as for everyone else, the past year has been really special: in Jerusalem, if the assistants who arrived before the pandemic were able to stay until the end of May, none of them has been able to join us since then; the Editorial Committee has to conduct its weekly […]
31 December 2020
… of sponsors For a month, the former Master of the Order of Preachers, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, stayed in Jerusalem for a month. It was he who first encouraged the École Biblique to embark on the adventure of The Bible in its Traditions. Master Timothy and Artur Lesage in pre-pandial conversation! We were delighted to […]
Published or forthcoming printed works
31 December 2020
Closing of the edition of the St Matthew Passion (Mt 26-28) The team is working ! In these last months of 2020, there is a heightened sense of excitement in the Hierosolymitan offices of The Bible in its traditions. Most of the research assistants are entering the final stretch of the edition of the St […]
Colleagues and staff
31 December 2020
To the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres On March 6, a delegation from the École Biblique de Jérusalem was received at the Institut de France by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (AIBL) as part of the celebration of the centenary of the École’s recognition as a French archaeological school. The theme of the […]
Fruitfulness of the “Bible and philosophy” seminar
31 December 2020
Throughout the 2019-2020 academic year, every Thursday from 4-6pm, the main office of The Bible in its Traditions has been transformed into a classroom, before ‘videoconferencing’ takes over. Several members of the ‘Bible and Philosophy’ seminar gather around the big screen in BEST’s main office. Among the regular or exceptional participants, besides professors Avital Wohlman […]
Multimedia annotation: a biblico-artistic cathedral
31 December 2020
par Ombline Wirth, ENS Paris, AMI BEST 2019-2020 “It all starts with a Herculean task assigned to ants: inserting works of art inspired by the Bible. Which ones – all of them? Would we lack prudence (from which we insert many allegories, from the tarot deck of Charles VI to the temperas of Piero del […]