
Periodically, we publish here news about our program: new content available, the latest digital developments, the work of our teams, contributors, our publications, proposals from institutions or other research projects related to ours, and meeting opportunities…

New books

New books

8 November 2021

« Bible in its Traditions 4 » : The Passion according to Saint Matthew We will come back to it at greater length in a future newsletter: Passion selon saint Matthieu, more than a thousand pages in two volumes in our main collection published by Peeters, will be presented at the Congress of the Society […]
Composers and painters, artists in our Bible

Composers and painters, artists in our Bible

8 November 2021

From the oratorio Syllables divines, created four years ago, to the integration of the painted work of François-Xavier de Boissoudy, two years ago, The Bible in its Traditions seeks to multiply its links with artists who deploy the fruitfulness of the Scriptures, in their traditions, into the culture of our time. « Music above all else […]
Echoes of our Jesus Dictionary

Echoes of our Jesus Dictionary

8 November 2021

On Monday 18 October, in the programme AFFAIRE EN COURS sur France culture , Marie Sorbier spoke about the question of the “collective work” and the anonymity of the entries in this Dictionary. The short programme echoed the talk given on Wednesday 14 October at 6.30 p.m. in Rome, where Fr. Renaud Silly O.P., director […]

The Jesus dictionary on TV

14 June 2021

Friar Renaud presents HERE our Jesus dictionary, with the professor Jean-Marie Salamito.
News | Greetings

News | Greetings

6 April 2021

Dear Colleagues and Friends hoping that they will join you in joy and peace, here is some Easter news. On Friday, we were mourned by the news of the sudden recall to God of Mr Paul Peeters, who was more than an editor, a friend. As for the long wait for Saturday, if the time […]
Our Dictionary of Jesus is out !

Our Dictionary of Jesus is out !

6 April 2021

More than four years ago, noting how much our annotation had progressed, especially on the four Gospels, and how rich the database that is La Bible en ses Traditions had become, Fr. Renaud Silly proposed to direct, for our programme, a “Dictionnaire Jésus” in the famous collection “Bouquins” in which he had already participated. After […]
Four employees testify

Four employees testify

6 April 2021

Noémie Kirion The cat on the keyboard, Ben Sira and Habacuc « —My name is Noémie Kirion, I study in the Department of Ancient Sciences at the ENS in Paris and I have been participating in La Bible en ses Traditions since this year. I was supposed to go to Jerusalem in the fall of […]