
Periodically, we publish here news about our program: new content available, the latest digital developments, the work of our teams, contributors, our publications, proposals from institutions or other research projects related to ours, and meeting opportunities…

Studying Syriac in the Holy Land: Upcoming Conference

Studying Syriac in the Holy Land: Upcoming Conference

17 May 2023

Our Friends at The Center for the Study of Christianity, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are excited to invite you to our upcoming conference on Syriac Christianity that will take place at the Hebrew University on Sunday, June 4th, 2023.  Convening scholars from across Israel and abroad who work in a range of different disciplines, […]
Fr Łukasz Popko, between BEST and BHQ

Fr Łukasz Popko, between BEST and BHQ

12 May 2023

At present, the main edition of the Hebrew text that serves as the basis for study and modern translations is Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, BHS. Because Stuttgartensia is the fourth critical edition, the new edition bears the Latin name “quinta”, i.e. the fifth; Biblia Hebraica Quinta,  BHQ.  For the last two years, the director of the éditorial committee of […]
Call for applications for posts at the Angelicum in Rome

Call for applications for posts at the Angelicum in Rome

10 May 2023

Brother Thomas Joseph White, OP, Rector Magnificus of the Pontificia Università San Tommaso d’Aquino in Rome, asks us to make known the following two appeals: In New Testament Interfolio application: Times Higher Education advert: jobs advert: Positions advert: Old Testament Interfolio application: Times Higher Education advert: jobs advert: Positions advert:

Artists linked to our research programme

10 May 2023

Sébastien Charles Amar Hamideche, Aka Jariku You can see my new work here: Peintures:éo: Franck Mas WHAT ARE WATER LETTERS ? The water letters are part of the breath cycle in my research entitled “the degree zero of theatre”. It consists of harvesting the breath of exhalation, in the form of water vapour, while my […]
Confronting evil in Babylonia

Confronting evil in Babylonia

8 February 2023

NotOur colleague and friend Stéphanie Anthonioz, who collaborated on this very fine edition, tells us of the arrival of the latest work in the famous collection Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient: “Magnificent heritage of our humanity !”
Launch of the Collège de France prize for young researchers.

Launch of the Collège de France prize for young researchers.

8 February 2023

The prize, worth €20,000 and accompanied by an invitation to give a public lecture at the Collège de France, is designed to reward the most daring research by young scientists and to contribute to the recognition of the winner. 2023 Prize theme: “Encounters between Civilisations” – Humanities and Social Sciences. the application platform will be […]
We Are Very Excited!

We Are Very Excited!

12 January 2023

Yes, excited! Excitement is what we send you from Jerusalem for the year of grace 2023, Dear colleagues, collaborators and friends. The construction of our biblical studies cathedral continues to progress, and the month of greetings is an excellent opportunity to give you an update on the first semester. In Jerusalem, at the heart of […]