
Periodically, we publish here news about our program: new content available, the latest digital developments, the work of our teams, contributors, our publications, proposals from institutions or other research projects related to ours, and meeting opportunities…

A master of “Bible and Philosophy” recalled to God

A master of “Bible and Philosophy” recalled to God

11 December 2018

With gratitude for the work of a great thinker whose work inspired many of our notes along the Gospels in the ‘Philosophy’ and ‘Literature’ sections, we are passing on the fine tribute paid to him by prof. Cappelle-Dumont Paris, december 2018, 10. Dear Members and Sociétaires, It is with great sadness that I inform you […]
The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Funds our Jonah Team!

The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Funds our Jonah Team!

25 November 2018

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Announces Grant Recipients in Honor of National Bible Week WASHINGTON— In honor of National Bible Week (November 18-24, 2018), the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) announces the awarding grants in the amount of $60,844 for three projects that support the goals of the CCD to promote Catholic biblical literacy and Catholic […]
“PRISM: Creative Rendezvous at the Paris Design Forum next Sunday, 18 November

“PRISM: Creative Rendezvous at the Paris Design Forum next Sunday, 18 November

11 November 2018

The experimental interface of our ‘digital scroll’ appeals in particular to art historians, who are happy to find a recent translation (still in progress) of the Vulgate, and medievalists, who are happy to find the format of the Glosis and the Polyglote, but also … designers. At the invitation of Jerusalem Design Week last June, […]
News from the Jerusalem office, autumn 2018

News from the Jerusalem office, autumn 2018

11 November 2018

During the summer of 2018: significant enhancement of our multimedia annotation, in the spirit of “PRIXM”. The assistants had a few distractions when Professor Émile Puech asked for television sanctuary to … watch and comment on the football World Cup together ! Our office was very busy, with five assistants working there between June and […]
Biblical epigraphy in the Middle Ages: collaboration with the CESCM to rediscover the Scriptures “in three Ds”.

Biblical epigraphy in the Middle Ages: collaboration with the CESCM to rediscover the Scriptures “in three Ds”.

11 November 2018

This is one of the fine results of the MEODE (“Mises en Oeuvres Des Écritures”) colloquia co-organised with various Paris universities over the last two years, under the leadership of Professor Christiane Veyrard-Cosme: The C.E.S.C.M. (Centre d’études supérieures de la civilisation médiévale, CNRS) in Poitiers has signed a collaboration agreement with the École Biblique within […]
Summer 2018 sessions

Summer 2018 sessions

11 November 2018

Summer School with Boston College This was a first for the École Biblique. Last June, we welcomed around fifteen students from Boston College, Boston University and Boston Hellenic College, for a three-week “Summer school”. While Łukasz Popko led archaeological visits throughout the country, prof. Eugen Pentiuc taught on the Old Testament, the New Testament lessons, […]
Editorial projects in progress

Editorial projects in progress

11 November 2018

In agreement with our publishers, Paul and Luc Peeters, we are preparing a monumental St Matthew Passion to be published in 4 volumes in the summer of 2020. The Editorial Committee is devoting its time to re-reading the 180 or so historical, literary, exegetical, philosophical and theological summary notes that will accompany the abundantly annotated […]
Enhancing our multimedia annotation: the Benedictines to the rescue !

Enhancing our multimedia annotation: the Benedictines to the rescue !

11 November 2018

Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux Because of its scope, our programme has often been described as a real “Benedictine work”, and it was already partly so, because two nuns of the Order of Saint Benedict, one from Sainte-Cécile de Solesmes, the other from Sainte-Marie des deux Montagnes, in Quebec, collaborate regularly with us. It has become even […]