

Mediterranean Islands: Light & Shadow Our Executive Director was invited to speak about “Patmos, island of the Apocalypse? Monaco and the Mediterranean”, on 10 and 11 March. The program here. The Eclipse of the Soul The Institut des Sources Chrétiennes...
Friends and staff …

Friends and staff …

… Who go before us into Eternity Our friend Professor Marie-Françoise Baslez died on 29 January 2022 at the Cognacq-Jay Hospital (Paris) and was buried on Wednesday 2 February at 10.30 a.m. in the church of Saint Dominique, her parish. Elected professor at the...
“She who said YES”

“She who said YES”

After two issues in partnership with La Bible en ses Traditions (Le roman de la Bible and Jésus-Christ, cet inconnu), Le Figaro Hors-série devotes a richly illustrated issue to the Mother of God: Mary, she who said yes. We were happy to respond to the request of our...


Most recently, our president receives a docteur honoris causa The President of La Bible en ses Traditions AISBL, and Director of the French Ecole Biblique et Archéologique de Jérusalem, Fr. Jean Jacques Pérennès, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty...