Conceptualizing Nature

Conceptualizing Nature

Since the “Bible in its Traditions” project was born in the land of the Bible, we have been always deeply aware of the importance of nature in the context of the biblical books. Łukasz Popko, the director of our editorial committee, was invited to the conference at...
Confronting evil in Babylonia

Confronting evil in Babylonia

NotOur colleague and friend Stéphanie Anthonioz, who collaborated on this very fine edition, tells us of the arrival of the latest work in the famous collection Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient: “Magnificent heritage of our humanity...
We Are Very Excited!

We Are Very Excited!

Yes, excited! Excitement is what we send you from Jerusalem for the year of grace 2023, Dear colleagues, collaborators and friends. The construction of our biblical studies cathedral continues to progress, and the month of greetings is an excellent opportunity to give...