Sébastien Charles Amar Hamideche, Aka Jariku
You can see my new work here:
Peintures:https://www.jariku.fr/peinture-graffiti/galerieSculptures: https://www.jariku.fr/sculpture-design-1/a-galerieDessin: https://www.jariku.fr/dessinPerformance: https://www.jariku.fr/rituel-performance/galerie
Vidéo: https://www.jariku.fr/channelPhoto: https://www.jariku.fr/photographie/galerie
Franck Mas
The water letters are part of the breath cycle in my research entitled “the degree zero of theatre”.
It consists of harvesting the breath of exhalation, in the form of water vapour, while my attention is focused on a loved one.
Water letters are love letters, letters of friendship, letters of gratitude or thanks to those who are dear to me, the living and the dead. Water letters no longer attempt to put into words the intensity or complexity of a thought – we all know how difficult, if not impossible, it is to formulate an emotional state with precision or accuracy (which is the genius of writing) – but attest to the thought of the other in the water of the breath that I collect.
The letter of water can then remain as it is, enclosed in a small transparent capsule, like a letter that has not been unsealed, or it can be unsealed, so that the water evaporates again, and the water of thought returns to the air and is in turn breathed in by the person who received it.
To refine this project, I plan to create an object fashioned from the sand of Qumran, symbolising the material and memory of a history of exegesis. This object would be called the Nafshâ (breath of the soul) and would enable me to harvest the breath of my thoughts (see attachments).